Obsidian Digital Garden Plugin Tutorial Series

Sample Obsidian Vault
Sample Obsidian Vault

I wanted to create a tutorial to share with people how I used to run my digital gardens and a tutorial series seemed to be the easiest way. There is a Table of Contents at the top of each page so you can go to each page and there is a drop down in the top right of my website.

I’m excited to share with you all how I created the screenshot shown above! It is fairly simple and I included links and as much information that I could possibly think of. Comments are always open and I can’t wait to see how this helps people!

Check out the pages below!

  1. Introduction to the Series
  2. Syncing your Obsidian Vault to multiple devices
  3. Initial Setup of your Obsidian Digital Garden
  4. Add Custom CSS to your Digital Garden
  5. Advanced Tips & Tricks for your Obsidian Digital Garden
  6. Create multiple Digital Gardens in a single Obsidian Vault
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